Welcome to our website
To navigate the site move your cursor over the headings. Then click the item you want from the drop down list.
EXAMPLE: Hover over the MEMBERSHIP heading. Then scroll down to Membership Application. From there you can download the forms.
EXAMPLE: Hover over the TOURNAMENTS heading. Then scroll down to Tourney Results to see placings from past events.
Welcome to the
Central Nebraska
Senior Golf Association
Membership is open to all golfers age 50 or older (age is as of Dec 31 of the current year).
Dues are $25 per year.
We have 30-35+ tournaments each year.
Tournaments cost from $50-$65 per player to enter, and all include 18 holes of golf, cart, and a meal after the tournament, with a minimum of 30% of the entry fee paid back as prizes.
History of CNSGA
Started in 1984.
30+ events each year.
Over 500 members.
Join Our Mailing List
308-870-1852 Callaway, NE
25+Years Experience
Gene has supported CNSGA for many years by helping with the cost to print and distribute our annual Tourney Booklet. Give him a call if you need golf clubs or other equipment. He also sells and repairs Golf Carts.